sâmbătă, 14 septembrie 2019

marți, 11 iunie 2019


Baalbek Stone of the Pregnant Woman: Unbelievably Massive Stone in the Quarry Near Baalbek, Lebanon
The ancient city of Baalbek is one of the greatest archaeological mysteries of all time. Located east of the Litani River in Lebanon, Baalbek is known for its exquisitely detailed yet monumentally scaled Roman temple ruins. These Roman temples were built on top of an ancient 5 million square foot platform that was made from some of the largest stones ever used in any construction project in the history of the earth. The largest stone found weighs 1200 tons and is about 64 feet long

Descoperirea unui al treilea bloc gigantic la Baalbek

Cele trei blocuri de la Baalbek în carieră
Baalbek Trilithon - A Wall With Two Pasts
Baalbek - Bloc imens transportat parțial


'Unimaginable' Access to Pope Francis Yields 68,000 Photos Photographer Dave Yoder spent six months documenting the life of the pope and the Vatican for National Geographic.
Papa Francisc în Capela Sixtină
The streets were crowded in Vatican City as Pope Francis led a Canonization Mass to declare John Paul II and John XXIII as saints.
Basilica San Pietro, Piața San Pietro și Via de Conciliazone pline de credicioși. In dreapta
Borgo Sant'Angelo și Passetto (culoarul la înălțime de refugiu spre Casrel Sant'Angelo)

Scara elicoidală de acces la caseriile Muzeelor vaticane.
Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Rome, Italy by virt_, via Flickr
Fragment din Capela Sixtină - perete și tavan

Navă laterală din Basilica San Pietro
One of the closed off rooms at the Vatican - but we got in with our VIP tour!
Galerie în Muzeele vaticane.
Vatican City
Ușa de bronz
il volto della realtà: Cappella Niccolina - Palazzo Apostolico Vaticano
Capela Nicolina

joi, 6 iunie 2019


Viejas calles, MADRID
Madrid - Sradă veche
Plaza  de  Mayor  Madrid  Spain
Madrid Piața Mayor
Gran Via, Madrid, Spain #granvia #madrid #spain #europe #travel #sunset #photography #city
Madrid - Gran Via
Confluence of Gran Via and Alcalá by dusk - Madrid | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Confluence of Gran Via and Alcalá by dusk - Madrid


Chapelle Colleoni, piazza del Duomo, Bergame, Lombardie, Italie. | Flickr: Intercambio de fotos
Bergame, Lombardie, Italie. 
La chapelle Colleoni est un chef d'oeuvre de la Renaissance lombarde due à Giovanni Antonio Amadeo (1447-1522) construite de 1470 à 1476 pour servir de mausolée au condottiere Bartolomeo Colleoni.
Gothic to the max.  I look at this and cant believe all the people that it took to make this beauty.  I think about all the people working up and down this pathway.  What it must have looked like under construction.  I cant even imagine the cost to make it happen in 2014.

Gloucester Cathedral [ corridor ]
The gothic cloister of Cathedral de Leon, Spain.  Photo by Mariluz Rodriguez
La catedral de León fue diseñada sin claustro, pero finalmente se levantó entre finales del siglo XIII y principios del siglo XIV.

Lierne vault of the east half of the nave, with roof bosses depicting stories from Creation to Samson, c. 1470. Norwich Cathedral, England.
Lierne vault of the east half of the nave, with roof bosses depicting stories from Creation to Samson, c. 1470. Norwich Cathedral, England.
Corridor, Gloucester Cathedral
Corridor, Gloucester Cathedral
Architecture on Twitter: "Church of the Gesu Ambulatory, Palermo, Italy… "
“Church of the Gesu Ambulatory, Palermo, Italy”
Canterbury Cathedral, Kent. This is where St. Thomas Becket is buried. He was killed by King Henry II's Knights, when they missinterpreted what Henry had said. Thomas was murdered in this Cathedral, where he had been Archbishop of Canterbury.
Canterbury Cathedral, Kent. This is where St. Thomas Becket is buried.
Canterbury, a cathedral city in southeast England, was a major pilgrimage site in the Middle Ages. Ancient walls, originally built by the...
Canterbury, a cathedral city in southeast England, was a major pilgrimage site in the Middle Ages
Canterbury Cathedral: Nave
Canterbury Cathedral: Nave
Canterbury Cathedral, England Been here for a Sunday service that made me cry.  :-)
Canterbury Cathedral

The Cathedral of Siena, province of Siena, Tuscany
The Cathedral of Siena, province of Siena, Tuscany
Reims Cathedral: Notre-Dame at Reims is one of the most famous and influential of all medieval cathedrals, it is best known as the coronation church of the 25 Kings of France--some are: · 1223: Louis VIII the Lion · 1226: Saint Louis IX · 1271: Philippe III the Hardi · 1286: Philippe IV le Bel · 1315: Louis X le Hutin · 1317: Philip V le Long · 1322: Charles IV l...
Reims Cathedral: Notre-Dame at Reims is one of the most famous and influential of all medieval cathedrals, it is best known as the coronation church of the 25 Kings of France--some are: · 1223: Louis VIII the Lion · 1226: Saint Louis IX · 1271: Philippe III the Hardi · 1286: Philippe IV le Bel · 1315: Louis X le Hutin · 1317: Philip V le Long · 1322: Charles IV l...
Center front façade of Reims Cathedral, France
Center front façade of Reims Cathedral, France
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims. by Vincent_Zenon - pääsisäänkäynti, jonka yläpuolella 'ruusuikkuna'
Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims.
The fine medieval cloisters, sacristy, chapter house and monastic rooms of the Abbey have survived largely intact.  Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire District, England
The fine medieval cloisters, sacristy, chapter house and monastic rooms of the Abbey have survived largely intact. Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire District, England
La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain
Sagrada Familia - Barcelona - plan final
IL DUOMO DE LA ÚNICA CATEDRAL GÓTICA DE ITALIA di Milano, Italy | by Chris Yunker on Flickr
Domul din Milano
Duomo di Milano, Italy.
Domul din Milano
Duomo di Milano - Milan Cathedral at Night - Milan Italy. Awesome being on the roof top, right, @Rebecca Dezuanni Hanna??
Domul din Milano
Milan Famous Cathedral (Duomo), Italy    |     Copyright: colores | via shutterstock
Domul din Milano
My favourite building in Liverpool, the Anglican Cathedral  - I never take it for granted when walking or driving past and always, always marvel at it
Liverpool - Catedrala anglicană
Assisi (Umbria), the birthplace of St. Francis, where you can see frescoes by the late-medieval artists Cimabue and Giotto in the famous Basilica.
Assisi (Umbria), the birthplace of St. Francis, where you can see frescoes by the late-medieval artists Cimabue and Giotto in the famous Basilica.
Monastery Khor Virap  Mt. Ararat Armenia
Monastère de Khor Virap - Arménie.
The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood). St Petersburg, #Russia.
The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood). St Petersburg, Russia.
Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Church of the Saviour of the Spilled Blood) St.Petersburg
The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood). St Petersburg, Russia.
The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood), St Petersburg, Russia by Jane Drumsara
The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood). St Petersburg, Russia.
Karlskirche, Wien
Karlskirche, Wien
Catedral de Chartres - vitrais

Catedral de Chartres - vitrais
The organ in the Lutheran church in Dresden Frauenkirche, Dresden; the capital of the German state of Saxony.
The organ in the Lutheran church in Dresden Frauenkirche, Dresden; the capital of the German state of Saxony.
Russian Orthodox Church of St. Mary Magdalene ~ Jerusalem, Israel
Russian Orthodox Church of St. Mary Magdalene. Photo taken from the walls of Jerusalem.
Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, Sergiev Posad, Russia: the most important Russian monastery and the spiritual centre of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Trinity Lavra de Sf. Serghie, Sergiev Posad, Rusia: cea mai importantă mănăstire rusă și centrul spiritual al Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse. Serghiev Posad  este un oraș din Regiunea MoscovaFederația Rusă și are o populație de 113.581 locuitori. În timpul regimului sovietic, mai precis între anii 1930 și 1991, localitatea Serghiev Posad a purtat numele de Zagorsk, în onoarea unui comisar al poporului din perioada revoluției bolșevice.
Catedrala Sergiev Posad
The Ascension Cathedral in Tambov, Russia                                                                                                                                                                                 More
Catedrala Inălțării din Tambov, Rusia
Monreale Cathedral, #Italy.
Catedrala din Monreale, Sicilia
basílica papal de Santa María Mayor, una antigua basílica mariana católica romana de Roma.
basílica papal de Santa María Mayor, una antigua basílica mariana católica romana de Roma.
San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome.  Chapel of St. Louis IX of France.  This is the most sumptuously decorated chapel in the church, in a lush Baroque style.  It was fitted out by a woman architect called Plautilla Bricci, and was conserated in 1680.  She was a disciple of Bernini, and it shows.
San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome. Chapel of St. Louis IX of France. This is the most sumptuously decorated chapel in the church, in a lush Baroque style. It was fitted out by a woman architect called Plautilla Bricci, and was conserated in 1680. She was a disciple of Bernini, and it shows.
Santa Maria in Trastevere.is one of Rome's oldest churches and believed to be the first church in Rome dedicated to the Virgen Mary. It originally dates from the late third to early fourth century but was rebuilt in the twelfth century. The church is famous for a Byzantine mosaic behind the altar and a number of 13th century mosaics. The piazza has a beautiful octagonal fountain.
Sfânta Maria din Trastevere. Una dintre cele mai vechi biserici din Roma și dedicată Fecioarei Maria și reconstruită în sec.al 12-lea. Biserica este renumită pentru un mozaic bizantin în spatele altarului și pentru o serie de mozaicuri din sec.al 13-lea. Piazza din fața sa are o frumoasă fântână octogonală
Strasbourg Cathedral - Northern France
Catedrala din Strasbourg
The Cathedral of Siena, Tuscany this duomo is amazing
The Cathedral of Siena
Schloss Linderhof, Bavaria, Germany
Schloss Linderhof, Bavaria, Germany
Linderhof Castle: Bavaria, Germany
Schloss Linderhof, Bavaria, Germany
The sculpted gardens of the Schwerin Castle in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state, Germany.
The sculpted gardens of the Schwerin Castle
 in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state, Germany.

Kreuzenstein Castle, Lower Austria #Medievalcastle #castles #fantasy #fantasyinspiration
Kreuzenstein Castle, Lower Austria